HaverCare Training

This past Monday, April 18th, a few members of Active Minds attended CAPS’s HaverCare Training, which detailed how we can better help our friends, family, and others. The CAPS advisors first talked about how stress, distress, and crisis are three unique but often overlapping aspects of mental health issues, with each increasing in severity. Then we discussed the components of “HAVER” in HaverCare:

H: Hear – telling your friend that you’re here to listen

A: Ask – asking open-ended questions, like “what are you thinking?”

V: Validate – clarifying what you’ve heard: “So what I’m hearing is . . .”

E: Explore – brainstorming next steps, listening, offering things to do, etc.

R: Refer – bring up other ways they could receive support

Some important points to consider include :

  1. Your own ability to help out in the current moment. Check in with yourself and make sure you’re available – it is okay to skip to “refer” if need be.
  2. Normalizing your friend’s experience can be a slippery slope. Sometimes it’s helpful to acknowledge that what they’re experiencing is normal – sometimes it may lead them to think that they’re not being listened to. Be sure to do this with caution.
  3. It might be helpful to ask “Can I check in on you on X day?” or “Can I share these resources with you?”
  4. It might also be helpful to say “Thank you for sharing that” after your friend confides in you so they can understand they’re not burdening you.
  5. Remember: sometimes people just want to be heard!

Need help yourself or are wondering where to refer your friend? Here are some broad resources that can offer support for a variety of scenarios:

  1. Customs Committees
  2. OAR
  3. ADS
  4. Advising dean
  5. Affinity groups
  6. CAPS
  7. GRASE Center

Remember to take care of yourself and your friends.


Rock Painting

Active Minds held a successful rock-painting event this past Saturday, April 9th on Founder’s Green! Students came out to paint rocks and create care packages (or just steal some candy). The weather was extremely moody – at one point it started raining, so we moved everything to Founder’s Porch . . . and the rain stopped about 5 minutes later. It was lovely to see everyone’s artistic talents! See you next year 😀

The Active Minds Club hosts a Rock Painting & Care Package event on Founders Green. Photo by Iris Saada ’25

Rock Painting Saturday, April 9th

This Saturday, April 9th, Active Minds will be hosting a rock painting and care package-making event on Founder’s Green from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Please come paint some rocks, create a care package for yourself or a friend, grab snacks, learn about CAPS and Active Minds, and listen to some Lo-Fi Hip Hop Beats. Paints and brushes will be provided, but feel free to bring your own in case there’s short supply. See you there!

